2011 Articles of Interest


Fee Drought Triggers 'Bloodletting' for Stock Traders

Fiskalunion is worst of all worlds for Europe

Global slowdown triggers China factory strikes

ECB stymied on debt crisis without fiscal union

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's Predictions for 2012: China's growth model tests its limits

China manufacturing PMI raises fears for 'hard landing'

Postrel: U.S. Universities Feast on Federal Student Aid

UK banks must brace themselves for euro break-up

U.S. Workers' Pay Slide Poses Consumer Risk


MF's Missing Money Makes You Wonder About Goldman

Barclays' profits blasted as 'tricks' by City analysts

Lowe's Plans to Shut 20 Underperforming Stores, Affecting 1,950 Employees

Student Loan Debt Leads to Despair, Protests -- and Many Defaults

Wall Street Unoccupied With 200,000 Job Cuts


Best Buy Sales at Risk as Impulse Wanes

California Nears Automatic Spending Cuts With Revenue $705 Million Short

European banks face collapse under debts, warns Deutsche Bank chief Josef Ackermann

An important lesson from Jackson Hole 2010

Gordon Brown fears euro crisis worse than Lehman as 1930s beckon

OECD Cuts Growth Forecasts for U.S., Japan

Pennsylvania capital files for bankruptcy

Recession Officially Over, U.S. Incomes Kept Falling

Trichet warns of 'systemic' phase of crisis


China Faces Subprime Credit Bubble Crisis

Income Slides to 1996 Levels

Spain Raises Taxes on the Rich

The $2 Billion UBS Incident: "Rogue Trader" My Ass

Germany's Resiliency Buoys Europe

Double-dip fears across the West as confidence crumbles

Global slowdown alerts…

Italy Living on Burrowed Time

Struggling with a great contraction

UK debt levels damaging growth, warns BIS

Why you should care about tax expenditures


Euro bail-out in doubt as 'hysteria' sweeps Germany

European officials round on Lagarde

Boomer Retirement: Headwinds for U.S. Equity Markets?

Lagarde calls for urgent action on banks

Bank job cuts top 60,000 after ABN Amro axes thousands

Barclays sees S&P 500 way up by end of year

Decade of Stimulus Yields Nothing but Debt: Caroline Baum

Goldman Sachs point to a US consumer revival

Margin Calls Push Stock Leverage Down Most In Year

Mind the gap; bonds signal a depression

Dial-a-Crowd Confronts Debt-Laden Spanish Banks by Thwarting Foreclosures

Outlook for UK jobs market turns bearish

Part-time Britain hits record high as unemployment soars

Rise of Consumer Credit in Chile and Brazil Leads to Big Debts and Lender Abuses

3 Hitches in Bank of America's Big Mortgage Settlement

Curse Those Who Gave Us Bank of America

The City Payroll May Include a Few Too Many Bosses

Building Bloom in China Stirs Fears of Debt Overload

Chongqing - The Largest Construction Site In The World

Middle-Income Boomers Expect Tough Retirement

Vanguard Maintains Retirement Account Balances Not So Bleak

Worse Start To The European Earnings Season In A Decade


Quartley Review and Outlook

Italy money supply plunge flashes red warning signals

Rome accused of fiddling while Italian economy burns

BofA, Goldman Among Banks Cutting Jobs

Brazil risks tumbling from boom to bust

Brazil's New Middle Class Goes on a Spree

Germany isn’t about exports anymore

The bull market in doom rhetoric, FOMC minutes edition

How Capitalism Went On a Brief Sabbatical Which Became A Permanent Vacation: Rosenberg Explains "The Artificial Recovery"

Realty trade group overreported Chicago home prices

The Fed's forecasts Serial disappointment

The Only Chart You Need To See From Today's Wholesale Inventories: GM Channel Stuffing Goes Auto Industry-Wide

Welcome To The Recession: Manufacturing Surveys Imply US Economy Has Entered The Second Month Of A (Re)Recession

Widening GM Truck Supply Reminiscent of 2008 ‘Bad Habits’: Cars


Wall Street Braces for New Layoffs as Profits Wane

Global economy menaced by return of living dead

Most Euro-Zone Economies Contract

Trichet Says Risk Signals Are Flashing Red as Debt Crisis Threatens Banks

Affluent Investors Worried About Retirement

BlackRock's Fink Says Europe's Financial Problems Go 'Way Beyond' Greece

Federal shadow housing inventory is getting bigger

Under-reported – and non-performing – assets at US banks

GM Plans Plant Shutdowns to Pare Truck Supply

Many May Need To Work 'Far Beyond' 65, Says Study

U.S. Postal Service to Stop Paying Pension Fund

UK Banks Abandon Eurozone Over Greek Default Fears

‘Hidden’ debt raises Spain bond fears

The PP says there is no money to pay payrolls in Castilla-La Mancha


Albert Edwards and an afternoon tea-party with the Vestal Virgins

German exposure to Greece, a bad bank tale [updated]

Greece crisis worsens amid political stalemate

Greek debt restructuring would do 'massive harm' to eurozone, Jurgen Stark says

Macro EU DOA

Meanwhile, in the Spanish periphery…

Why the British economy is in very deep trouble

No light at end of the tunnel for Greece means dark clouds on Ireland's horizon

Greece and Portugal debts worse than expected

Greece appeals to Brussels for further financial aid

Ireland's future depends on breaking free from bailout

The financing pyramid and margin debt

Why I Won't Support More Bailouts

U.S. post has $2.2 billion loss, warns of Sept insolvency

Biggest Banks Beating Estimates Can’t Hide 13% Drop in Revenue

GM Channel Stuffing Hits Record In April

Greece Can’t Avoid Debt Restructuring, Germany’s Feld Says (2)

Japanese production suffers record fall

Lost decade? We've already had one

Portugal faces two years of recession, warns finance minister Teixeira dos Santos

Portugal Wins Aid, Heightening Euro Backlash Over Bailouts (1)

Market Valuation: The Message from the Q Ratio

‘Squatter Rent’ May Boost Spending as U.S. Mortgage Holders Bail


Channel Stuffing At GM Hits Record: 574,000 Cars In Dealer Inventory, Despite No Interest Loans, Highest Car Discounts

Consumer Credit Rises At Fastest Pace Since June 2008... Or Does It? How The Fed UsedEvery Trick In The Book To Fudge The Number

Malls Face Surge in Vacancies

The US recovery is little more than an economic 'sugarrush'

Vix wagging

Wells Fargo Eliminates 1,900 Mortgage Jobs as Home Lending Slows


Los Angeles, Unions Reach Deal

Postal Service to Cut 7,500 Managers

$440 Billion Drop In Shadow And Conventional Banking System Liabilities In Q4 Gives Bernanke Carte Blanche For QE3

TrimTabs Finds Social Benefits Are Equal To One Third Of All US Wages And Salaries

As Big Boxes Shrink, They Also Rethink

CoreLogic: 11.1 Million U.S. Properties with Negative Equity in Q4

Dubai Can’t Kick Building Habit as Property Glut Expands

Honesty for Banks Is Still Such a Lonely Word: Jonathan Weil

U.S. Loans in Foreclosure Tie Record; Lenders Delay Seizures

ECB prepares rate rise as global tide turns

Gallup Reports Underemployment Surges To 19.9%, February "Jobs Situation Deteriorates": As Bad As 2010

The global economy is critically ill


Borders Files Bankruptcy

Campbell Cuts 2011 Earnings, Sales Forecast

Fed Tells Banks to Stress Test Capital for Recession

Greece's Efforts to Limit Tax Evasion Have Little Success

Portugals Q4 GDP Falls .3%

QE safeguarded 3m American jobs, says Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke

Gasoline Inventories Jump To 20 Year High As Gas Price Surges

Greece Joins Italy in Objecting to Proposed EU Debt-Reduction Benchmarks

Ireland’s Lenihan Wants Senior Bank Debt Discounts

Japan Economy Shrinks Less-Than-Estimated 1.1%, Surpassed by China in 2010

Spain orders drastic caja clean-up to win confidence and fight off EMU debt contagion

Amagerbanken Senior Bondholders to Suffer Losses

Substantial Future Home Price Declines Predicted By Goldman Sachs And Peak Theories

Ireland Hikes Insolvent Bank Funding, To Acquire Another €12 Billion In Bank Loans, Brings Total Discount On Loans To 58%

Merkel Defies Deutsche Bank as Ackermann Frets Bonds in Davos

'Toxic' Assets Still Lurking at Banks

UK consumer confidence suffers 'astonishing collapse'


Bank of England chief Mervyn King: standard of living to plunge at fastest rate since 1920s

Bankrupt Vallejo May Repay Its Creditors as Little as 5% of Claims

US Banks Reporting Phantom Income on $1.4 Trillion Delinquent Mortgages

Downturn's Ugly Trademark: Steep, Lasting Drops in Wages

ECB intervenes as debt crisis deepens

EMU policies are pushing Southern Europe into systemic political crisis

EU plans for bondholder haircuts unsettles debt markets

Irish lenders besiege central bank for emergency loans

Junk Borrowers Turn Tables With Looser Terms: Credit Markets

Mayor Bloomberg Vows No New York City Tax Increase as He Confronts Deficit

OPEC denies lack of supply is to blame for $99 oil

Spain to Ramp Up Bailout of Banks

Art Cashin Vomits All Over The FOMC Minutes, Offers Bernanke A Deal On SomePrime East River Real Estate

Birinyi Says S&P 500 Index May Surge to 2,854 by 2013 (Update3)

Goldman Goes For Broke, Raises 2011 S&P Target To 1,500

Charting Three Decades Of The Exponential December BLS Seasonal Adjustment

U.S. Shopping Center Vacancies Rise as Unemployment Rate Climbs

Wall Streets Big Fat Fear Trade Scam

California’s Brown Says Budget Plan Will Be ‘Painful’ (Update2)

Albert Edwards, SocGen bear, takes a bite out of China

Borders Tumbles After Delaying Publisher Payments (Update1)

Illinois Has Days to Plug $13 Billion Gap That Took Years to Create