2015 Articles of Interest


Pending Home Sales Decline 0.9%, Well Below Lowest Estimate; About that "Know Before You Owe" Theory

Key Funding Source for Miners Is Depleted

12 Reasons Why One Advisor Is Betting Treasurys, Not Stocks, Is The Investment Of 2016

The Trouble With Sovereign-Wealth Funds

Extreme Oil Bears Bet on $25, $20 and Even $15 a Barrel in 2016

Fed Hikes, but Some Rates Veer Lower

Crude Oil Still Searching For A Bottom As Record Inventories Threaten Storage Capacity

Drybulk Shippers Could Feel Pain For Several More Years

The Mystery of Missing Inflation Weighs on Fed Rate Move

Italy Needs a Cure for Its Bad-Debt Headache

Truck Rates Plunge; What About Actual Shipping Volumes? Strong Case for Pending Recession

Global Trade Confirmations; Economy As Finance

Corporate Loan Charge­-Offs and Delinquencies Surge

Population Deflation: Spain Joins Germany with Negative Net Birth Rate; Italy on Threshold; Who's to Blame?

Should Anyone Be Eligible for Student Loans?

Second Strong Payroll Number +211,000; December Rate Hike Assured

S&P downgrades raft of US banks

The Lull Before The Storm—–It’s Getting Narrow At The Top, Part 2

ECB to Test the Limits of Its Bond-Buying Program


Japan’s pension fund loses $64bn in third quarter

How Much Higher Could The U.S. Dollar Go?

USDA Forecasts 38% Fall in Farm Income

Deflationary Pressures Post-QE 3 Make Bonds Interesting Again For Income And Potential Capital Gains

Oil Patch Problems: Rigs Down 60%, Production Down 3%, $40-$50 Price Doesn't Work

Is This How the Next Global Financial Meltdown Will Unfold?

Permabulls Whistling Past The Grave

The Federal Sand Castle

As stock buybacks reach historic levels, signs that corporate America is undermining itself

Quiet U.S. Ports Spark Slowdown Fears

Global Deflation Alert——Commodities Are Sounding An Alarm

Global oil glut highest in a decade as inventories soar

US Import/Export Prices Show Cross Border Deflationary Pressures

Retailers’ Full Shelves May Force Holiday Discounts

The October Jobs Report——Not Awesome, Just More Of The Same BLS Con

Exclusive: ECB rate setters converge on December deposit rate cut

Robots Will Change World Beyond Recognition Says BoA

ArcelorMittal Is Latest Victim of China's Steel-Export Glut

Is Europe's Economy So Bad the ECB Will Run Out of Things to Buy?

This Time Is The Same——And Worse!

€238 Billion Nonperforming Loans at Spanish Banks Despite ECB's Helping Hand


Shell posts $7.4bn loss as crashing oil price and writedowns sink profits

The Debt Cycle And Rhymes Of Lehman Brothers

U.S. Companies Warn of Slowing Economy

Why Miners Keep Expanding, as Prices Collapse

Economics, The Art Of Deception Vs. Demographics, The Simple (Yet Ugly) Reality

US Economy – More Ominous Data Points

UK steel industry dealt 'shattering' blow as Caparo collapses and Tata poised to announce job losses

The World Hits Its Credit Limit, And The Debt Market Is Starting To Realize That

Wall Street’s Latest Bounce, Ostrich Economics At Work

Illinois To Delay Pension Payments Amid Budget Woes

Cutting Staff Pay to Keep Workers

The Number to Watch This Earnings Season

$3 trillion corporate credit crunch looms as debtors face day of reckoning, says IMF

HSBC's Major, Who Called 2014 Bond Rally, Cuts Yield Forecasts

One True Measure of Stagnation: Not in the Labor Force

Lashed To The Zero Bound- The Fed’s Ship Of Fools

Student Debt Squeezing Parents and Children Simultaneously

New Emerging-Market Woes

Eurozone Producer Prices Fall Sharply, Adding to ECB’s Concerns

Global Turmoil Saps U.S. Job Growth


ECB Will Boost QE By 120% To €2.4 Trillion, S&P Predicts

This Is Not A Retest Take # 2

Energy Lending Caught in a Squeeze

Caterpillar Shocker: Industrial Bellweather To Fire Up to 10,000; Slashes Revenue Outlook

Falling China Factory Gauge Rattles Hopes for Second-Half Growth

Why Has Labor's Share of GDP Declined for 40 Years?

Central Banks’ Lesson: Easy Money Alone Isn’t a Growth Salve

Future Expectations Made Six Months Ago vs. Today's Reality

Retail Sales: Observation And Fantasy

Lowdown on Rate Hikes

The Next Financial Crisis Won't be Like the Last One

Worries Rise Over Global Trade Slump

US interest rate rise could trigger global debt crisis

Apocalypse Illinois: IOUs Projected to Hit $10.5 Billion, $163 Billion Total Accumulated Liabilities

CME Fedwatch and Bloomberg Rate Hike Odds Still Wrong; Deflationary Bust Coming

$20 Oil? Goldman Says It's Possible

China PPI Declines 42nd Consecutive Month; Banks Struggle to Contain Devaluation Fallout; More Capital Controls

China’s Shift Away From Industry Drains Life From a Steel Town

Will They Or Won’t They?

Why China Liquidations May Not Spike US Treasury Yields

Canada in Recession with Two Consecutive Quarters of Negative Growth

China: Doomed If You Do, Doomed If You Don't

South Korea exports plunge 14.7%


Yield Spreads: This Selloff Is For Real

Emerging Markets Hit Hard as Global Rout Continues

China Shares Wipe Out All Gains This Year

OPEC powerless to halt oil price slide, warns former group president

Deere Rocked By Bursting Of U.S. Farmland Bubble: Sales Miss, Profit Tumbles, Forecast Cut

U.S. Lacks Ammo for Next Economic Crisis

Glencore CEO: China Is a Lot Weaker Than Anyone Expected

Welcome To The Revenue Recession

Total U.S. Auto Lending Surpasses $1 Trillion for First Time

Europe’s Low Yields Are Here to Stay as Inflation Outlook Turns

CNBC’s Alfred E. Neuman Luncheon Club—–Beyond Clueless

China’s Yuan Move Highlights Importance of Exchange Rates for Policy Makers

Truckers Gain an Automated Assist

China's Exports Plunge 8% in July; Spotlight on US Trade Imbalance With China

Despite Glut of Oil, Energy Firms Struggle to Turn Off the Tap

Indebted Portugal is still the problem child of the eurozone

IBM gives Watson supercomputer the ability to 'see'

Still Chop, Chop, Choppin’ At The Fed’s Front Door

IMF’s Currency Reservations Send China’s Yuan Lower

The 2015 Untrustworthies Report-Why Social Security Could Be Bankrupt In 12 Years

Wage Growth Accelerating? By How Much? Total Compensation and the Obamacare Effect


U.S. Economy Picks Up, but Stays In Its Rut

U.S. Labor Costs Rise at Slowest Pace in Three Decades

China sets up first unmanned factory; all processes are operated by robots

Shell to Cut 6,500 Jobs as Prolonged Market Downturn Looms

Deflation Is Winning – Beware!

Will the Oil Patch Bust Trigger Recession?

Presenting America's $900 Billion Auto Loan Bubble In 6 Charts

Commodities crash could turn Australia into a new Greece

China Unleashes $483 Billion to Stem the Market Rout

Greece and the Problem of Correcting Trade/Productivity Imbalances

IMF Warns Eurozone That Greece Needs Far More Debt Relief

Snow In The Summer Confirmed - Retail Sales Tumble Most Since February

Humiliation; Arrogance; Crucifixion; Demolition of Eurozone Project

IMF Sees 2015 Global Economic Growth at Weakest Rate Since Financial Crisis

Microsoft to Cut 7,800 Jobs Amid Phone Woes

China’s Troubles Hit Commodities

Ragin' Contagion: When Debtors Go Broke, So Do Mercantilist Exporters

If Greece Goes, Political Contagion Is the Bigger Risk in Europe

How Chinese Stocks Fell to Earth

Europe has suffered a reputational catastrophe in Greece

In Unprecedented Development, Lenders Now Take Record Losses On Every Used Car Loan


The world is defenceless against the next financial crisis, warns BIS

China Struggles to Balance Volatile Markets

El-Erian Sees 85% Grexit Odds as ‘Massive’ Contraction Looms

There’s Something Wrong With The World Today and It’s 1995

The Most Common Job in 29 States to Nearly Vanish in 10 Years; Know What That Job Is?

Biggest Glut in Recorded Crude-Oil History Taking Shape

Greece Played Germany Like a Violin; Horrified Syriza Demands 'Icelandic' Default

What's the Real Unemployment Rate in the U.S.?

Hidden Hero of Stock Bull Market No Match for Higher Rates

"Last Try" in Greece Before Capital Controls: Then What? Best Case Scenario for Greece

EU preparing for 'state of emergency' after Greek talks collapse

Global Cooling Alert: US IS Awash In Glut Of Scrap Materials

Far More Than Usual Assumptions

C-Suite Gamblers–The Real ‘Dumb Money’ Inflating The Bubble

U.S. Workers Ask: Where’s My Raise?

Glut of Chinese Goods Pinches Global Economy

What’s Pumping The Stock Bubble- $4.2 Trillion In Corporate Bond Issuance In Last 3 Years

Easy Access to Money Keeps U.S. Oil Pumping


Iron Ore Forecast Cut 32% by Citigroup as Goldman Predicts Peak

S&P 500 Earnings Down 13%, Second Consecutive Quarterly Decline

"We're Living In A Make-Believe World" Biderman Warns "A Global Recession Is Inevitable"

Global Cooling Alert: China Steel Prices Drop To 12-Year Low

See No Evil: What We Chose to Ignore in the April Jobs Report

Calpers Wins Pension Lawsuit, Not Good News for Chicago

Payroll Friday Bubblevision’s Live Action Romper Room

Greece Effectively Defaults To IMF Using SDR Reserves To "Repay" Fund

Case of the Vanishing Worker

Congratulations, Class of 2015. You’re the Most Indebted Ever (For Now)

Bank Reserves and Loans: The Fed is Pushing On a String

Fed’s Yellen: Stock Valuations ‘Generally Are Quite High’

Five Years After First Bailout, Greece Back on the Brink

The New Bookkeeper Is a Robot

India’s Debt Pile Up Complicates Growth Plans

China Shipbuilding Sector Set to Contract

IMF to Brighten View of China's Yuan

Elon Musk Unveils Line of Home and Industrial Battery Packs

In Labor vs. Capital, Workers Gain a Slight Edge


Real Q1 GDP 0.2% vs. Consensus 1.0%; Disaster in the Details

Delivered By Amazon In Less Than An Hour- More Mania!

Chicago Schools Haunted by Bankruptcy Chatter

Global Glut Challenges Policy Makers

Procter & Gamble Hurt by Strong Dollar

Oil Companies Are Getting a Second Chance in the Bond Market

China Has a Massive Debt Problem

China Suffers First Default by State-Owned Company

Morgan Stanley Strikes Wrong Profit Chord

Chicago Schools Out of Cash in 30 Days,Rauner Ponders Bankruptcy

Caveat creditor as IMF chiefs mull unpayable debts

Oil Rich Nations Are Selling Off Their Petrodollar Assets at Record Pace

Oil Layoffs Hit 100,000 and Counting

Credit Crunch Underway: Can Recession Be Far Behind? 

Stan Druckenmiller's "Horrific Sense" Of Deja Vu:

Exhausted world stuck in permanent stagnation warns IMF

Emerging markets: The great unravelling

Central Banking's Verbal Jujitsu

The Incredible Shrinking Earnings Forecast

Reckoning Arrives for Cash Strapped Oil Firms Amid Bank Squeeze


Dollar Watchers Look to IMF

Spain Meets Deficit Target for First Time Since 2008

Japan's Zero Inflation a Setback for Abenomics

Stuck With a House That Can't Be Sold

GDP Projections Drop Yet Again, Still Too High

Why Yellen & The Feds Are Bubble Blind—They Apparently Believe Wall Street’s EPS Scam

Global finance faces $9 trillion stress test as dollar soars

Why The Dollar Is Rising As The Global Monetary Bubble Craters

Weaker Euro Ripples Around World

Oil Price Pressured by Growing Inventories

Are Currency Wars Looming in Asia

Negative German Bond Yields Foretelling A Euro Currency Bust


Recession's Impact Lingers for Many States

The Global Dollar Funding Shortage Is Back With A Vengeance And "This Time It's Different"

The Earnings Recession Of 2015: Stock Market In Danger?

Liquidity evaporates in China as 'fiscal cliff' nears

Eurozone faces first regional bankruptcy as debt debacle stalks Austria's Carinthia

Inflation in Developed Economies Halved in January, OECD Says

Illinois Pension Plans 39% Funded; Taxpayers on the Hook for $105 Billion in Liabilities


Forecasting China's Oil Buying Grows Harder

J.P. Morgan to Charge Large Institutional Customers for Some Deposits

HSBC's Problems Mount as it Lowers Targets, Profit Falls

Pressure Builds to Weaken the Yuan


The global financial system stands on the brink of second credit crisis

Europe’s Greek Showdown: The Sum Of All Statist Errors

Albert Edwards' On The Next Shoe To Drop

China's Monumental Debt Tap Why It Will Rock The Global Economy

Persistent Fed Overoptimism About Economic Growth

Exxon's Profit Drops 21% As Production Declines

What 'Escape Velocity'- The Q4 GDP Report Was Not "Solid"


Syriza Victory in Greek Election Roils European Debate Over Austerity

Deflation Bonanza! And the Fool's Mission to Stop It

IBM Gives Disappointing Forecast

Endgame for Central Bankers Says Saxo Bank CIO

How Spending Sapped the Global Recovery

It's Earnings Season

Bill Gross January 2015 Outlook

U.S. Retail Sales fall 0.9% in December

China's Iron Ore Inventories Post Biggest Decline in Two Years

Bank of America Warns of Lethal Damage to China's Financial System as Deflation Depends

Car Loans See Rise in Missed Payments

Eurozone Consumer Prices Fall for First Time in Five Years

Deep Debt Keeps Oil Firms Pumping

U.S. Government Bonds Strengthen on Global Uncertainty